8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
It was as if our souls were suddenly rubbing. I, of course, am wearing a skirt, stockings. I felt like a man trying to fight his way out of a nylon stocking. Because no place on earth could be like Derry. Your legs feel as if they’ve been dipped in velvety butter. Snow really doesn't stop me from wearing dresses and skirts. I don't wear pantyhose and just started wearing tights and I will always wear underwear with them. Not so good, really, beyond a crow. Let's rush up to heaven right now and cling together. Owl raps, acting as horses, and all sorts of other mayhem. Do not slide down my body as the day wears on. The seams are strategically placed to accent your legs in their best form and your bottom. Men will run faster to catch up with a girl in tight pants. There's something about tights that just makes the leg look so much better. The woman approached him, seductively dressed and sly of heart. Yet the forest is the coming and the going. The hawk swoops at dawn. Lace around my neck, lace peeking out of a sweater, lace on shorts. Kneeling in the dark and whispering my sins to a man in skirts. I went to a party in college once wearing bright pink tights. For these women, tights are an important part of life. No more removing your tights in the pub’s bathroom because you are about to pass out. In autumn evening, the outline of a woman broke the purple horizon. If your shoe is red, do not wear red tights. But who says you have to stick to boring black stockings? You can wear tights four different ways. In other news, I am selling a pair of purple tights. Tights can add to the sophistication of an outfit. The man from Manchester has my breast in his hand. No woman can make it through this season without black tights.
Friday, November 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
You know all about the drama of dirty tights. Opaque tights are perfectly appropriate in an office setting. I am still having so much fun with these mustard tights. The act of severing lodges in the limb. And you can dress it up with a scarf or dress it down with tights. I need to wear some serious tights if I don't want to freeze. The mornings are cold so I keep wanting to wear tights. The shepherd is our Lord. Time to get out those tights and hosiery. You like tights on a man? I thought it was a good chair. I will grab you under your wolf. My lorry's on fire. Open shoes ahead on fingers should not be wear with tights. I've never ventured into the world of white tights. Impassable paths overcome with bees, the stigma that bees bring. This is my cold hand on the doorknob. The owl in the barn is so still. What makes you think that a miracle is telling you to take that stain off your face? If you insist on wearing tights, they should be all black. From the window you can see which trees I mean. The grid encodes an understanding. She pulled that hair up off her face she pulled her stockings on. My pretzel is askew. They're sheeping everyone! The moon had frostbite. As one might have the imperial librarian descend. Winter is coming and different tights can make your outfit special. His page of unsolved equations is blowing down the cobblestones. If the woman is old, breakfast is hopeless. The first thing I did was cut out long strips of cardboard, almost as long as my legs.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
Bring tights, boots, and comfy dresses to Canada. Wearing of tights has a history going back several centuries, when they were worn by men. My earliest wish was not to exist. It breathed in the hedge. These are a nice way of adorning your legs with quirky and feminine printed stockings. They won't understand because their heart is still whole. Even the big ships sound frightened. What really got my thoughts going were thinking about the actual sensation of the pantyhose itself. I look naughty in tights. Tights are beautiful, unique, and make any outfit explode with character. Everyone needs a great pair of black tights. Black is pretty much best; the leg will look long and lean. Easy to deny it's impossible to be who you are. And the tights have really struck a chord. In the cocktail of my inaccuracy. And I found myself in the dark of love. But he no longer knows where he walled me in. Dancers in black tights with television cameras for heads. I think I can get away with tights most days. Heat it to almost boiling, then let your tights go for a delicious dip. Syntax has never eaten from my hand. Also for you married ladies they can count as lingerie. EVERYONE needs a good trench. Tights are mine and my otherwise cold bottom’s best friend. One tends to smirk at the thought of spelunking forever after. I am drilling on carpet. Next week discover how useful a pair of women's tights can be! When I show up with my black tights, demin skirt and black boots will i look excessively keen? My hovercraft is full of eels. Whatever it is that makes people sigh when they lie down.
Sunday, September 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
When he left he smashed the night. Imperfection might prove one form of salvation. Anything from saints to squid, from sausages to shrimps. Wild heartless heart that loves us. But lilac scares me. I could hardly be blamed for not wanting to be anyone but her. I wonder if I'll ever love this house. Cut a hole in the crotch, and slip your head and arms through. I needed another pink accessory to add to my arsenal. It is much more appealing to watch a woman roll down her high stockings. I like having to wear tights under my dress. And became the breath of fish. We're mostly in the feet of swans, black as drums. I have a very hard time resisting great tights. Opaque black tights are captivating enough by themselves. Any of my black slip dresses would have done the job. Girls always want to look gorgeous and stylish. The river was another king. The tall nurse broadcasting our secret. Gulls puncture the blue between kites. Or was it just a series of accidents? If you want to really set pulses racing, take a tip from times gone by and invest in some seamed tights or stockings. Winter's not what it used to be. I looked out the window and saw a tree. I’ve got one word for you: pumpkin. In a fire of languages that halted prayer. A summer wind blows night's long dress. I still prefer the classic look of pink tights. Tights have improved so much through the years. A soul will come out of the fields. She might meet the pigeon of her life tonight.
Thursday, August 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
JULY 2013
My hosiery drawer is mainly rammed with black opaque. It was like lying in bed at night next to the world. Your legs in these tights will look like gossamer thread entangled. This is the first year in ages we have not been in Wisconsin. She burbled to the glass and dozed against it. She kicked me in the shin and I couldn’t feel it because I was laughing. As soon as you slip them on, you will become the person who is meant to wear them! Is it something to do with the gusset? The air around me knows your name. It especially doesn't help to feel eyes staring from the other room! Your carrots are in no danger. The sea, gone miles out of its way, is there. Slipping her fist into seamed and seamless stockings. The topography differs considerably. The hands make the world every day. To look at her was to see a fire. I’ve always wanted to wear skirts and dresses more too but this is secondary to my tights fixation. One of the girls playfully rubbed her self on me I could hardly contain myself. He dreams he is the great air itself. As he aims from grim height for the promise of blue. You lick your cobwebs and the corners glitter. And a god I can swallow. I want each to follow the footsteps of the psychopomp. These stockings were incredibly soft, and felt like air to put on! Pantyhose are the most sexiest piece of clothing a woman can wear. Your slip shimmered on the bathroom door. Yes, we can all agree that red tights look good on the man. The world was birds. It was pretty hilarious watching him fish down his leg to get it out. His eyes cut fear into her heart. And then her fingers tear the water open and her body.
Monday, July 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
JUNE 2013
If you can't show red, why bother filming? Michigan seems like a dream to me now. You are a sandwich. I am an old woman writing poetry. It is utterly unlikely that you will ever run into anyone wearing the same pair of tights. Lay the tights on the sheet of paper and spray on each leg.T is for tits. I think of your quiet grave now and again. I am being followed by a flock of winged words. The sun started to shine so bright that I looked like a maniac wearing tights. This world is too good for us. The dreamer yearning for spring is horizontal. Nothing likes to be abandoned. When you appease my heart, I've nothing left to say. That dark seam in the sky that ripped open. A darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend. And there is punishment written in the margins. Would make fish of us all. The meek leggings of fog, its crude smallnesses. Anyway who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a jug. Red trousers save lives. Eat the bread of our body's slough. They say a crow will remember a person's face for years. It takes a playful heart and a bold personality to wear purple pantyhose. Deer don't like pantyhose either. Are you sure you want to do this in your ballet clothes? This isn't the love you sent back to the kitchen. I tossed on tights under my dress and declared myself ready to face Monday. People will definitely look at you if you are wearing these tights. Do you think if I were to wear one pair of tights over the other it'd be completely opaque?
Saturday, June 01, 2013
8:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
MAY 2013
Maybe I’ll become a novelist. Can you raise yourself onto your toes by an inch? I wore opalescent white nylons that made my legs white and shimmery like a unicorn. It is the perfect time to have fun with hosiery. They translated the blackboard's fog to letters. The red rubber fountain of ecstasy. But for the sheer fun of it, you should treat yourself to coloured tights. Our love is like the flowers. Have you a fire for me? Frothing for a blunted, lovestruck glint of moon. Auburn nylon thighs encircled my happy and sad face. Raising his timid hands to touch the dim Irish fire of her hair. I just couldn't let this girl not be in tights and heels. But the ones that are open on the fingers. But then my tights population multiplied too quickly. I am wearing some navy blue ones right now and it just occurred to me how much I love them. The message is clearly in the rainbows. A happenstance of riffle and spume. I was the big stupid dinosaur in the middle. We want your stories (and your used tights) to better understand how tights affect us. You feel that every single part of these adorable neutral tights is truly loveable and lovely! And immediately took to calling me Mr. Tights. I took a practice finesse yesterday. I did not present a ready target for the arrow that flies by night. I almost never leave the house in a skirt or dress without pantyhose. To secure the carp along the river road. That burning mouse had set a great course of events in motion. I like the idea of hot spicy legs. A goat, the neck of a man. I am talking about the blackest of black; the most opaque tights money can buy. Nylons make any outfit more complete.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
12:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
APRIL 2013
I went back and got the red tights because I liked them. These were adorable tights and fun. I'm really not that fond of getting stuck to inanimate objects. Always have an extra pair of tights with you. Because fish swim out of my mouth. The moon has its own job. The cows stared blankly at your car. In this we grow lonely though not alone. One must learn to live with stone. We talk about the passing stars and owls and undersea creatures. Which I loved against the black tights! You, when young, dreamed you'd become a tree. The churn of stale words in the heart again. There's just something so appealing about feet in tights and hosiery, isn't there? She displayed glamorous beauty even in red tights. Dublin wakes to horses and rain. The holes in thick tights are either nonexistent or too fine to let water pass through. I must live in my lantern. You have left but I haven't stopped kissing your lips. A pride man is below to pig. Some sounds are lost forever. She was really helpful with a pair of French tights. I like the alien legs! And I, daring and secure, waved back at her waving. We come from love, and love we crave. The butterflies left Poland on Tuesday. Listening hard for the sound of our own disappearance. In the winter, under whistling stars. They have discovered the joys of the silky feel of tights. Exiting one another with the kiss.
Monday, April 01, 2013
12:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
MARCH 2013
This room is a room. No mentally deranged wantons. One stays in the past and dies. Happiness of the hand and heart. Everyone knows the age of luck is over. When you are alone you can see. Her corset among laughter and waving hands. He walks into a thin morning. Any sounds a mouth might make. Did each daybreak haunt her like a blank page? I'm the girl who added the white tights. But I never forgot those pretty, shiny turquoise shoes. I'm not that kind of poet. I was just covered with sodium. The ribs are very apparent. I am a girl who loves her tights. We feel we have always been very far away. Is it something to do with the gusset? You have left but I haven't stopped kissing your lips. I think it is a good sign that spring has arrived in Switzerland. Some sounds are lost forever. He later confessed that those tights got his attention. And even this old skin belongs to someone. Embodiment is the river's use of mud. I swindle with the silence of words, because I live in them. I think we are inside a flower. And a pair of black tights had slithered down his now very feminine legs. Today I have black opaque tights and knee boots with a knitted dress. For some cosmic reason they play together nicely. I would put them in black tights and black shoes. We decided that it would be fun to do it on the roof.
Friday, March 01, 2013
12:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
A gesture's meaning as the shaken air resounds. It carved a groove into the ceiling. Which is not the world but its glove and dress. But when I remember that tights exist, things get a little brighter. The goats traipse a diagonal. Doing so with a gradually shrinking text size from thigh to ankle. Something about them makes your legs look cuter. Preferably if ones that wear them with school uniforms. Above her, the bird unfolds. And these tights changed my life! But this year, I want to try to be more adventurous with tights. The biggest difference is when standing or between windy gusts. I fell toward the pulse in your thighs. It's like a hand above my knee. Hide every distant thing. Squeeze out each stocking GENTLY without stretching or pulling. Sexy times – the tights that ripped. Next week discover how useful a pair of women's tights can be! I will not live without a backyard again. Pulled tight over the buttocks and somewhat transparent. I very much appreciate my woman wearing stockings. Sometimes women tend to forget the importance of tights into their wardrobe. If I were you I'd erect a staircase. My eyes just keeps looking at her long legs and I start imagining sucking her breasts. My only regret is that I can't get my entire body into them. She loves her deep red cable tights and the pink spotted ones. Legs blue from cold? The public elevated them to a status worthy of awe (it must be their tights).
Friday, February 01, 2013
12:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
You gave me a boot (signs on it!) and I ate the wind. Hug me, damn it all, and I'll kiss you back to life.And around its scorched cap she has twilled a twine of flame. Written in smoke and blurred by mist and signed of solitude, sealed by night. Look on a boa in his beauty and you'll never more wear your strawberry leaves. If I lose my breath for a minute or two, don't speak, remember! I live for tights and boots. All the world rides us, and I think we shall never ride anybody. Music consisted of light and light came on time. I feel almost as if I’m naked, but I’m not. Sometimes women tend to forget the importance of tights. Do not break these proofs of eternity. I want gap between my tights. I thought of it as a woman not a man. Pink doves once blinked, two. Especially for a girl up here in the prairie with the strong wind and the big snows! If hungering for anything, we're hungering for fire. Would prove your body was made of moths. Let your love of sweet adornments continue into very aspect of your outfit. And the birds actually prefer it when you don't sing to them. What wickedness clings to me. I had no idea you were such a fan of the mollusk. If having a peacock feather or a jellyfish winding its way up your leg can be considered restrained. I am wearing three pairs of tights. (which I suspect may be much more glamorous than actually being an octopus). They are simply men who like to wear pantyhose. The tights are meant to be a reflection of lava, ice, wind and rain in Reykjavik. I was glad to be back in a dress. Put them on slowly, and gently bend while applying them over your legs. I'm obsessed with hearts. Yesterday morning, I left the house wearing a pair of ribbed orange tights.
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
12:00 AM
by Brian McCloskey
That chemical echo of your screaming voice. She was wearing an ivory dress with black tights. When I shut my eyes, it vanishes. And allow your tights to be your statement. Everything in life falls apart eventually, so just put on your sheer tights. A strong, pale wind on the thighs. A hotel is not a big clay window. (Boys' pocket knives probe and torture bark). Dresses and tights aren't inappropriate clothes. Groin muscles were stretched to their very limits. And now the seeds are tired of assembling. Marzipan arms, breasts like pink cones of vanilla. Then curves like water waiting for a dam. Both is too much and neither isn't enough. All you have to do is just use your imagination and take a risk. I’m not willing to give up pretty pretty skirts! Don't you have a goat that needs worming? Use the two drawing pins to attach the tights to the wall. And she stepped on the ball. I have tried out and tried on hundreds of black tights. The morning is quickened by the tongues of bells. Wonder what became of the ears. Pantyhose, to me, are one of many symbols of womanhood. Is that why everything’s so difficult? All my people are with me now. The banjo becomes angry at midnight. Even a boy can be a hotel. I've broken 4 pairs of stockings in the past week. I'm trying to get a visual of purple tights. Fill each piece with lavender and tie the ends. I've started exploring anything resembling pantyhose.